The meeting was called to order with the formal opening ceremony by President Marty Rosenberg at 7 p.m.

The minutes of last week's meeting were read and accepted as were the meetings of the executive Board meeting November 15, 1964 treasurers report was made by Roger Crouse:

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Service Report was given by Steve Pretanik.  The Membership Report was presented by John Kucharski, mentioned the success of the football game, the completion of the Little Brother Critiqued Sheet, that the pledge project will be painting a room at Belchertown State Hospital Saturday afternoon, and that the Boards of Review have been drawn up.  It will be a Membership Meeting on December 1, 1964.  Dave Mitchell gave his administrative report which includes a few words from A=Dave Arlen about the excellent newsletter and a mention of the fact that the party seemed with them coming along fairly well.  The Finance Report was given by Roger Crouse

Marty read a letter from the Alumni Office which offered congratulations for attaining first in the nation and also to speak of the possibility of moving the Chapter Room temporarily while renovations are completed in the basement of Memorial Hall.

Marty spoke of a letter from Tom Christianson who is organizing a pledge colony to APO at Fitchburg State Teacher's College.

Move: to amend the motion "that the chapter continue for the Denver convention, its tradition of making financial support available to the several delegates who attended the convention".  By deleting "continue" and "its tradition of making" and "several delegates", and by adding the words "make" and "only the two voting delegates and one alternate, as selected by the brotherhood"; so that the amended motion is to read "that the chapter may, for the Denver convention, financial support available to only two voting delegates and the one alternative, as selected by the brotherhood" (Roger Crouse) no action is such

MSD: to amend the above amended by inserting "suspend its tradition" in place of "continue its tradition"

MS: to amend amendment by deleting the words "and the one alternative" (Ed Skea) no action is such

MSD: to suspend the rules in order to discuss certain improprieties in business concerning the chapter.  (R. Jones)

At this point, the original motion to amend the amendments to it were all ruled out of all or because motion which was passed last week by the brotherhood was not on the floor, as it must be in order to consider amendments.

An appeal to the brotherhood was voiced on whether the rules of the Chair shall stand.  The ruling was that there was no way he at this meeting of verifying the votes of Brother Skea on the motion which was passed last week.

A roll call vote was called for in the counting of the votes on the appeal.  Before the roll call results were announced, a quorum was called, it was not met, and the meeting was automatically adjourned at 8:15 p.m.

Respectfully submitted
Denny Myshrall
Recording Secretary

Next available meeting minutes